Why has it taken so long to announce the u6m fleet are included in the I-VMS roll-out?

As the u6m fleet is different to vessels within the 6m to 12m range, we carried out an additional exercise to reconfirm that it is very much possible to deploy and operate an I-VMS device on this fleet. We have found no evidence of a vessel not being able fit and operate a device.

We recognise the time constraints placed on fishers to order a device and seek reimbursement by the deadline of 18 December 2023. We would like to remind fishers that they can claim reimbursement upon ordering/paying for a device. Fishers do not need to wait for an installation before submitting a reimbursement. 

We thank you for your patience while this important review took place. 

About I-VMS: www.gov.uk/mmo/i-vms-england  

EMFF grants: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/european-maritime-fisheries-fund-emff-i-vms

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